The 62nd Annual General Meeting was held on Saturday 27 March 2021 at 1000Hrs. More than 120 members met over the zoom meeting platform with the following Agenda:

  1. Address by the President.
  2. To approve the Minutes of the 61st Annual General Meeting held on 13 Jun 2020.
  3. To receive and adopt the Annual Report and Reports of Chapters and Committees for the year ending 31 Dec 2020.
  4. To approve and adopt the Statement of Accounts for the Term Jan 2020 to Dec 2020.
  5. To update on the collective sale of Manhattan house.
  6. To update on new outreach initiatives
    • Second Opinion Service (2OS)
    • SNA Mobile Apps

7. To appoint an external Auditor for the term ending Dec 2021

8.  Any other business

Here is a group picture that was taken over zoom…


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