A constitution is a system, often codified as a written document,
that establishes the rules and principles that govern an organization.
1.1 The name of the Association is called the ” Singapore Nurses Association”, (hereinafter referred to as “SNA”). - REGISTERED PLACE OF BUSINESS
2.1 SNA’s registered place of business is at 77 Maude Road, Singapore 208353 or such other address as may subsequently be decided upon by the Board of Directors and approved by the Registrar of Societies. The SNA shall carry out its activities only in places and premises which have the prior written approval from the relevant authorities, where necessary. 2.2 The place of meeting is at the registered place of business or at any place decided by the Board. - OBJECTIVES
3.1 To promote and enhance the status of the nursing profession through active participation in nursing and health policies development. 3.2 To promote the advancement of nurses in education, training and research in all disciplines of nursing. 3.3 To collaborate with other organizations which subscribe to similar objectives. 3.4 To publish a journal or information on nursing and related subjects. To serve and act as a resource centre for the gathering and dissemination of information on nursing. 3.5 To acquire, sell, lease or mortgage real estate properties of the SNA. 3.6 To undertake any co-operative venture or project approved by the Board or members at any Annual General Meeting or Extra-Ordinary General Meeting. - MEMBERSHIP
4.1 The Association shall consist of: - A Patron
- Honorary Members
- Life Members
- Full Members
- Associate Members
- Student Members
4.2 4.2.1
A Patron is invited by the Board to be a Patron of the SNA. Patrons are entitled to all privileges of the SNA except to hold offices and to vote. If a Patron has been invited by virtue of her office in the Government, her appointment will cease when she no longer holds the office.
4.3 Honorary Members are individuals who have contributed or rendered outstanding service to SNA. They are conferred the title “Honorary Member” by the General Meeting of members on the recommendation of the Board. 4.4 Life Members are Registered Nurses. They are entitled to all privileges. Life Members who are at least 21 years of age shall be eligible to hold office and to vote. Life membership application is open to Registered Nurses who have been Full Members for five consecutive years. 4.5 Full Members are Registered Nurses and Enrolled Nurses. They are entitled to all privileges. Full Members who are at least 21 years of age shall be eligible to hold office and to vote. 4.6 Associate Members are healthcare providers who are not Registered Nurses nor Enrolled Nurses. They are entitled to all privileges except to hold office or to vote. 4.7 Student Members are persons enrolled in nursing courses. They are entitled to all privileges except to hold office or to vote. - APPLICATION FOR MEMBERSHIP
5.1 All applications for membership are submitted using the “Application For Membership” form. 5.2 All applications for membership are submitted to the Board for consideration. The Board has the power to accept or reject an application without assigning any reason. 5.3 Cessation of Membership Membership of the SNA shall cease:
- 5.3.1 Upon resignation from the SNA.
- 5.3.2 If a member’s subscription is twelve months in arrears and if he/she fails to pay such arrears within one month after receipt of written notice from the Hon. Treasurer.
- 5.3.3 If a member committed act(s) detrimental to the SNA.
- 5.3.4 Upon the death of the Member.
6.1 The Entrance Fee shall be decided by the elected Board. The Entrance Fee is not refundable except in the case where the application is rejected. The annual Subscription Fee shall be decided by the elected Board. - FINANCE
7.1 The Financial Year of the SNA is from 1 January to 31 December. 7.2 The Funds of the SNA are deposited in any bank(s) – or invested as the Board deems fit and proper. 7.3 All Cheques drawn upon the Bank Accounts of SNA will be signed by the the President, Honorary Treasurer or the Honorary Secretary. 7.4 Any two signatories are required. Signatories may not sign cheques addressed to themselves. - SUPREME AUTHORITY AND GENERAL MEETING
8.1 The supreme authority of the SNA is vested in a General Meeting of members. 8.2 There are two kinds of General Meetings. -
- a) Annual General Meeting (AGM)
- b) Extra-Ordinary General Meeting (EGM)
8.3 The Annual General Meeting shall be held not later than March each year. 8.4 The Honorary Secretary shall send out the Notice of the AGM with the Agenda at least 21 days before the AGM. 8.5 The Annual Report and Statement of Accounts are circulated together with the Notice of the AGM. The non-receipt of the Notice by a member shall not invalidate the proceedings of the AGM. 8.6 The Agenda for the AGM shall include: -
- 8.6.1 To consider and to confirm the Minutes of the last AGM
- 8.6.2 To consider and adopt the Annual Report and Reports of the Committees.
- 8.6.3 To approve and adopt the audited Statement of Accounts.
- 8.6.4 To consider and adopt any amendment(s) made to the Constitution.
- 8.6.5 To elect Board Members at the alternate General Meeting.
- 8.6.6 To appoint two Internal Auditors biennially.
- 8.6.7 To appoint an External Auditor.
- 8.6.8 To elect three Trustees for a term of 2 years each.
- 8.6.9 To transact any other business.
8.7 The quorum at the AGM and EGM is 1/20 of total voting membership or 60 voting members, whichever is the lesser. If a quorum not present at an AGM, the meeting shall be adjourned for 30 minutes. After the adjournment, the meeting shall be reconvened and the voting members present will constitute a quorum, but they have no power to make changes to the Constitution. 8.8 A member who wishes to include an item on the agenda for discussion at the AGM must give notice, duly proposed and seconded, to reach the Honorary Secretary not later than 10 days before the date of the AGM. 8.9 An EGM is convened at the discretion of the Board or at the written request of not less than 30 voting members stating the business to be discussed at the meeting. Upon receipt of the request, the President shall call for a meeting within 21 days. 8.10 If the President does not within 21 days after the date of the receipt of the written request, proceed to convene an EGM, the members who requested for the EGM shall convene the EGM by giving ten (10} days’ notice to voting members setting forth the business to be transacted. 8.11 The Honorary Secretary shall send out the Notice of Meeting not later than seven days before the Meeting. No other business shall be transacted except the business specifically stated on the Notice of the Meeting. 8.12 The quorum for the EGM shall be the same as the AGM. In the event of there being no quorum, the EGM shall not be adjourned and shall be recorded as cancelled. 8.13 At the AGM or EGM, each paid up voting member present is entitled to one vote. All voting is by secret ballot unless otherwise decided by the meeting. In the event of a tie, the Chairperson has the casting vote. -
9.1 The administration of the SNA shall be entrusted to a Board of Directors. The Board of Directors shall consist of the President, 2 Vice Presidents, Honorary Secretary, Honorary Assistant Secretary, Honorary Treasurer, Honorary Assistant Treasurer and 11 elected Board members. Members of the Board shall be elected at the Annual General Meeting triennially. The Board may co-opt a voting member to fill in any vacancy that arises. The Immediate Past President and Chairpersons of Specialty Chapters may be co-opted into the Board but they are not eligible to vote.
9.2 Nominations for election to the Board shall be submitted on the prescribed form and must reach the Honorary Secretary not later than 10 days before the Annual General Meeting. 9.3 If there are less than 18 nominations received by the closing date, the members nominated shall be deemed elected. 9.4 If the nominations received by the closing date are less than 18, nominations may be made from the floor at the Annual General Meeting. 9.5 9.5.1
The President and the 2 Vice-Presidents are elected at the Annual General Meeting triennially. The election cannot proceed and has to be postponed if no voting member (among the nominees) stands for election for the position of the President.
If less than 2 or no voting members (among the nominees) stands for election for the positions of the Vice-President, the election can proceed even with just one or no Vice-Presidents being elected.
The newly elected President and her/his elected Board can elect the Vice President(s) among themselves, no later than 6 months after the AGM, together with the election of other Office Bearers listed in paragraph 9.6.
9.6 The Office Bearers, namely, the Honorary Secretary, Honorary Assistant Secretary, Honorary Treasurer and Honorary Assistant Treasurer are elected from among and by the elected Board Members, no later than 6 months after the AGM. 9.7 An Office Bearer shall not hold two portfolios in the Board. 9.8 The term of office of the Board shall be 36 calendar months. 9.9 Except the Honorary Treasurer, all Board Members shall be eligible for re-election. The Honorary Treasurer will be eligible for re-election for the same position after a break of one term. - BOARD MEETINGS
10.1 Board Meetings shall be held regularly and not less than 8 times per year. 10.2 One week’s notice of the meeting shall be given to the Board Members. 10.3 The quorum of the Board Meeting shall be more than seven Board members. 10.4 Board Memers are expected to attend all Board Meetings except for valid reasons acceptable to the Board. - POWERS OF THE BOARDThe powers of the Board are:
11.1 To co-opt a suitable member to fill any vacancy of the Board. 11.2 To declare the position of the Board Member vacant if he/she is absent from 3 consecutive Board Meetings without adequate reason acceptable to the Board. 11.3 To formulate By-laws to regulate the proceedings and administration of SNA. 11.4 To appoint committees and determine their terms of reference. 11.5 To appoint such officers and staff as it deems fit to manage the SNA. 11.6 To enter into contracts and regulate all business transactions on behalf of SNA. 11.7 To receive subscriptions, donations and to raise funds by all lawful means. 11.8 To utilise funds in carrying out the objects of SNA. 11.9 To do such other acts as may be necessary to carry out the objectives of SNA. - OFFICER’S ABSENCE
12.1 In the absence of the President, the Vice President shall act in his/her place. 12.2 In the absence of the Honorary Secretary, the Honorary Assistant Secretary shall act in his/her place. 12.3 In the absence of the Honorary Treasurer, the Honorary Assistant Treasurer shall act in his/her place. - TRUSTEES
13.1 There shall be 3 Trustees with good financial standing. They may be members of SNA. No Board member shall be Trustees of SNA. Trustees shall be elected at AGM on the recommendation of the Board and shall hold office for a period of three years.. 13.2 Any funds or real estate property acquired by SNA will be invested in the Trustees. 13.3 13.3.1
Cessation of Trustees Trustee may resign from Trusteeship by tendering written notice of such intention to the Honorary Secretary. If a Trustee dies or becomes incapacitated or has left Singapore permanently, he/she shall be deemed to have resigned from Trusteeship.
The Board shall have the power to remove a Trustee from Trusteeship if such a person in the opinion of the Board is unsuitable to be a Trustee.
13.4 The Board shall temporarily fill the vacant position of a Trustee arising from resignation, death or removal from Trusteeship. The Registrar of Societies shall be informed of the changes. - AUDITORS
14.1 There shall be two Internal Auditors and one External Auditor for SNA. 14.2 The External Auditor shall be a Public Auditor or Accountant and shall be appointed each year at the AGM. 14.3 The External Auditor shall inspect and audit all accounts and present a report yearly to the Board and to the AGM. 14.4 The Internal Auditors shall not be members of the Board and shall be appointed at the AGM for a period of two years and may be reappointed. 14.5 The Internal Auditors shall audit the account books every six months to certify the correctness of the accountancy. 14.6 Any member of SNA may inspect the account books for reasonable purposes. A seven day notice must be given in writing to the Honorary Treasurer. The place of such inspection shall be at the registered place of business of SNA. - VISITORS AND GUESTS
15.1 Visitors and guests may be admitted into the premises of the SNA but they shall not be admitted into the privileges of the SNA. All visitors and guests shall abide by the SNA’s rules and regulations. - PROHIBITION
16.1 Gambling of any kind and any other illicit activities are prohibited on SNA’s premises. 16.2 The SNA shall not indulge in any political activity or allow its funds and/or premises to be used for political purposes. 16.3 The funds of SNA shall not be used to pay fines of members who have been convicted in Courts. 16.4 SNA shall not hold any lottery, whether confined to its members or not, in the name of the SNA or its office-bearers, Board or members. 16.5 The SNA shall not raise funds from the public for whatever purposes without the prior approval in writing of the Assistant Director Operations, Licensing Division. Singapore Police Force and other relevant authorities. - INTERPRETATION
17.1 In the event of any question or matter pertaining to day-to-day administration which is not expressly provided for in this Constitution, the Board shall have power to use their own discretion. The decision of the Board shall be final unless it is reversed at a General Meeting of members. - DISPUTES
18.1 In the event of any dispute arising among members, they shall attempt to resolve the matter at an Extraordinary General Meeting in accordance with this Constitution. Should the members fail to resolve the matter, they may bring the matter to a court of law for settlement. - AMENDMENTS OF CONSTITUTION
19.1 Amendments to the Constitution can only be made at AGM or EGM convened for that purpose passed by two-thirds majority of voting members present. 19.2 The proposed amendments shall only come into force after approval by the Registrar of Societies. - DISSOLUTION
20.1 SNA can only be dissolved with the consent of not less than 3/5th of the voting members of the SNA. 20.2 If SNA is dissolved, all debts and liabilities legally incurred on behalf of SNA shall be fully discharged and the remaining funds shall be donated to local charitable organization(s) as decided by the members. 20.3 Certificate of dissolution must be given within fourteen days of the dissolution to the Registrar of Societies.