1. Promote Rheumatology & Immunology through education and research

2. Promote evidence-based practice in Rheumatology & Immunology

3. Promote awareness and interest in Rheumatology & Immunology nursing among nurses

4. Promote networking among the Rheumatology & Immunology nurses from local and overseas hospital

5. A resource centre for information on Rheumatology & Immunology nursing


To develop Rheumatology & Immunology nurses to excellence through education and research


Provide a platform for Rheumatology & Immunology nurses to network and share evidence-based practices through continuing education, seminars, workshops, conferences and research


1. Organise regular continuing education (bi-annually)

2. Organise Rheumatology & Immunology conference /public forum (every 2 years)

3. Collaborate with Rheumatology Society to organise nursing workshop / seminars (every 2 years)

4. Organise and collaborate volunteer outreach events (every 2 yearly)

5. Committee members to meet quarterly for updates


Chairperson: Ms Yee Sow Ling


Secretary: Ms Jasmine Goh Chwee Yin


Co-Secretary: Ms Tan Li Khoon


Treasurer: Ms Chong Siew Hwa


Co- Treasurer: Ms Chong Pei Xin



Ms Chen Shuo Ms Hor Sook Fun
Ms Pong Lee Yong Ms Gao Xiaochong
Ms Tan Chiew Hwa Ms Foo Hui Ting Teresa
Ms Chen Wenjing Ms Tan Yih Shan
Ms Amy Lim Ms Lim Elin
Ms Maslinna


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