NOTICE OF THE 60th SNA Annual General Meeting
Saturday, 30th March 2019
at 1500 hours at SNA House,
No. 77 Maude Road, Singapore 208353
Address by the President.
To consider and to confirm ...
In collaboration with Curtin University School of Nursing, Midwifery and Paramedicine, SNA’s Education Committee would like to invite you to attend a Masterclass entitled “Building Nursing Resilience” on 1 ...
2017 marks the 11th anniversary of the Award - an affirmation of unwavering support for the nursing profession by both the D.S. Lee Foundation and Tan Chin Tuan Foundation. Organised by the Singapore Nurses Ass...
The Tan Chin Tuan Nursing Award recognises promising and talented Enrolled Nurses who are dedicated to advancing the nursing profession locally.
Founded by the DS Lee Foundation in 2006, the Award is open to E...