
A Nursing Chapter for every Specialisation and a Chapter for Everyone!

SNA currently has 20 specialised chapters that bring you together with your peers in your respective fields to provide the perfect platform to educate, share experiences, exchange ideas and network.

All members are encouraged to join a chapter that relates to your specialised field. Here's a list of the current Nursing Chapters available for members.

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  The UNC Logo Each colour signifies our characteristics in education, expert sharing, resource personnel and assimilation of current a...


OBJECTIVES 1. Promote Rheumatology & Immunology through education and research 2. Promote evidence-based practice in Rheumatology & Immu...

Wound Ostomy Continence Nurses Chapter

History The Wound Ostomy Continence Nurses Chapter (WOCNC) was initiated on 12 May 2017 by a group of likeminded nurses who specialised in Wound, ...

Ophthalmology Nurses Chapter

Vision Nurturing a generation of Ophthalmic Nurses to practise with autonomy and professionalism so as to provide excellent ophthalmic care Mission ...

Student Nurses Chapter

Promote and maintain professional standards and advancement of nursing. Objectives Promote and maintain professional standards and advancement o...

Renal Nurses Chapter

Promote renal nursing and to advance knowledge of renal nursing through continuing education, local & international scientific meetings and resear...

Psychiatric Nurses Chapter

Advancing the quality of psychiatric nursing in the interest of the public. Mission The mission of Psychiatric Nurses Chapter is to advance the qu...

Palliative Care Nurses Chapter

The PCNC will: Define and advance the unique body of knowledge and the holistic approach used in palliative care nursing. Support palliative...